Blog about Little Makers for Librarians

Little Makers @ LibLearnX
Join us Sunday afternoon at 3 pm in room 293-294 of the Morial Convention Center.

Little Maker Toolkit Available!
We hope that you will be inspired and motivated to integrate STEM play into all your library programs.

Little Makers use big maker tools
One important aspect of Little Makers is introducing children and their caregivers to the power of, and the proper use of tools!

Facilitating is a key element of the Little Makers
STEM play with young children provides opportunities for observing, exploring, asking questions, seeking answers, making predictions, and sharing discoveries.

Looking Back: Our First Little Maker Program
We were supposed to get this program up and running in the early spring of 2019, but as happens with many major construction projects ours was delayed.

Why STEM in Public Libraries
STEM and science have been a priority in libraries as far back as 1994.

Introducing Little Makers at the Keene Public Library
Our mission is to facilitate an engaging hands-on environment where children and their adult caregivers can participate as co-learners, using tools and materials with support from staff.